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Author: cchhita

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6 Questions To Answer When Selecting A Vacuum Gauge

6 Questions To Answer When Selecting A Vacuum Gauge Selecting the right vacuum gauge may seem like a trivial task, but it can have big impact on your process and outcomes. Most people who are selecting a vacuum gauge are not sure which one to use. Often, they have to spend time studying the manufacturer’s product line to figure it out – who has time for that? If you know what kind of vacuum gauge you need for your work, this blog isn’t for you.  For anyone else, read on…. After several years of helping people find the proper vacuum

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Baseline Your Vacuum Pump to Make Troubleshooting Easier

Baseline Your Vacuum Pump to Make Troubleshooting Easier   Overview: Baselining a vacuum pump helps establish the basic criteria for how it performs in a controlled environment.  This baseline can be used to compare current performance with the originally installed performance.  This article covers the following key aspects of baselining: What do baselines and diets have in common? What are the downsides of not baselining a pump? What is the best way to baseline a pump? How can baseline information be used to solve problems? To start with… what do baselines and diets have in common? Diets and Pump Baseline

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Vacuum Instruments For Lyophilizers | What You Need To Know

Vacuum Instruments For Lyophilizers | What You Need To Know Accurate, reliable vacuum readings during freeze drying processes is one of the bigger challenges faced by users of older lyophilizers, and an even greater challenge faced by those designing new systems. Freeze drying, whether done on an industrial scale (e.g., prepared foods, coffee, pet products) or in laboratory/pharmaceutical facilities (e.g., chemical compounds, vaccines, tablets), is a process of controlled dehydration wherein system vacuum levels greatly influence not only product quality, but also the efficiency of the entire drying cycle. Much of the drying profile hinges on proper integration of the vacuum instrument into the host drying system.  Retrofitting

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PID for Vacuum System Automation

PID for Vacuum System Automation PID is an acronym for using a closed loop feedback system with the terms Proportional, Integral and Derivative.  While it uses calculus-type words, it is straightforward to configure and is what many industrial processes rely on for predictable automation.  It works on the principal of minimizing the error between the current vacuum reading and the desired set point vacuum pressure.   While PID can work on any closed system, it is also very useful for vacuum systems.  The balancing act is tuning the response to get your vacuum level to respond quickly, but also converge

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Using a Vacuum Gauge in Food & Beverage Process Customization

Using a Vacuum Gauge in Food & Beverage Process Customization Removing oxygen in many food and beverage processes is critical.  If this is done manually, the process can be time consuming and result in inconsistent oxygen removal. However, this process can be automated by removing oxygen (O2) via recursive evacuating and backfill cycles. Automation can be accomplished with

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QF/KA Flange Connection Tips For Improved Vacuum System Performance

QF/KA Flange Connection Tips For Improved Vacuum System Performance Quick-Flange vacuum fittings, known as QF, KF, NW or, in some instances DN, are a widely used flange-type connection system serviceable in rough to medium-vacuum systems. They offer reliable, convenient interconnecting of vacuum components.   QF flange connections are simple to implement.These guidelines will ensure that your system delivers the best vacuum performance:

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Moisture in Oil Transformer Tanks: Avoiding Mechanical Breakdowns

Moisture in Oil Transformer Tanks: Avoiding Mechanical Breakdowns Remember the ol’ transformer oil purification experiment from applied chemistry class? Thinking of it as you learn about moisture and oil contamination can be very useful. Internal moisture in transformer oil tanks is not distributed uniformly, and can be concentrated in the most dangerous parts of the system. Water in the presence of oxygen, even at microscopic levels, is a contaminant that reduces the insulation properties of Oil. Water enters into the transformer oil over time, which reduces the oil’s dielectric (insulation) properties.  As the transformer becomes wetter, it decays even faster, which increases the

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Controlling Vacuum Ramp Rate to Solve Manufacturing Process Challenges

Controlling Vacuum Ramp Rate to Solve Manufacturing Process Challenges In the manufacturing industry, it is common practice to manually turn valves to achieve a ramp rate that ensures the material of interest is not sucked out.  Consistent process control is critical; if manual, this can be very difficult to do accurately in medium or high vacuum situations. Sometimes, a few modifications to existing technology achieves a very slow initial evacuation using a ramp rate of 126 Torr/hour so as not to disturb the material of interest, while achieving an ultimate vacuum below 100 microns, all automatically. To learn about a

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Custom Vacuum Solutions-Practical Application + Engineering Excellence

Custom Vacuum Solutions-Practical Application + Engineering Excellence A custom vacuum solution approach starts with a customer who has an engineering challenge in a specific, unique environment. By going to an OEM with a strong team of engineers, a customer can often get free advice initially, and, ultimately, the solution s/he needs. Often, though, research and product design engineers wrestle with an engineering challenge longer than necessary, which can often be costly in terms of system failure, downtime and loss of productivity. Why wait? The types of engineering challenges that come to an OEM are robust, otherwise the customer would have

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8 Installation Tips For a Leak Free Vacuum System

8 Installation Tips For a Leak Free Vacuum System INTRODUCTION: Vacuum sensors that have a threaded interface (e.g., like those found on Model 215v or Model 200) require threaded pipe connections. Threaded pipe connections are commonly used in vacuum sensors, vacuum pumps and rough-vacuum systems. This type of connection can provide economical, reliable service if properly installed. By following a few guidelines you can use threaded pipe to make connections that should be leak free in pressures down to 10 -4 Torr or better. However, low quality pipe and cheap pipe fittings are commonly used in rough vacuum systems, which usually results in

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