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Category: Calibration, Accuracy, Researcher topics, Contamination

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How Durable Are The Corrosion Resistant Pirani Sensors?

CORROSION RESISTANT SENSORS | How Durable are They? Back in May, an article was released about the new corrosion resistant pirani vacuum sensors.  Previously, sensors were limited due to the exposed materials that were subject to corrosive gasses and aggressive etch processes, which we at DigiVac and our customers have observed as well.   Thus, with the introduction of the corrosion resistant pirani sensors, there exists an option for a more durable vacuum sensor.  These come with a protective coating, acting as a barrier against any aggressive gasses.  It either comes in a ceramic or Parylene coating. CERAMIC VS. PARYLENE Ceramic is advantageous in that it is highly corrosion resistant,

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How to clean your thermocouple

Why Should You Clean Your Vacuum Sensors?

Why Should You Clean Your Vacuum Sensors? A Case Study in Contaminated Vacuum Sensors & Their Effect on Readings Tim pitched a blog idea to me based around my experience with this repair. A customer sent a StrataVac Touch back that wasn’t reading correctly. The sensors were so contaminated for so long that it changed how they read vacuum and even after repeated cleanings and attempted adjustments, the gauge would not read in spec. I took some data at relevant points after cleaning but before calibrating, after attempted calibration, and then after replacing the sensors. Seems like a good potential

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Accuracy of Thermocouple Tubes Without Calibration

Accuracy of Thermocouple Tubes Without Calibration Unexpected sensor failures, breakage and contamination happens to all of us. Hopefully you have a spare on hand when a sensor breaks in the field. You quickly switch out your vacuum tubes and proceed without hesitation. Unfortunately it’s rarely that easy – there are small electrical differences between each sensor; thus, your backup sensors will produce different readings on different vacuum gauges without calibration.  Unfortunately, factory recalibration isn’t always an option at the time. This should raise some logical questions with technicians; how reliable and accurate are the readings produced by backup vacuum tubes? We set out

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