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Bluetooth Bullseye Precision Gauge | Piezo | 1 Torr to 775 Torr

The Bluetooth Bullseye Piezo-775i is a highly accurate and reliable digital vacuum gauge in the rough vacuum range 1 to 775 Torr (accuracy +/- 2 Torr) and 11 additional measurement units. Has Bluetooth to connect to the Vacuum Gauge App to support remote monitoring and data documentation.

  • Visual Graphing: Patented digital graphing capabilities (Pumpdown graph, Autoscaling line graph, and bar graph)
  • Remote Monitoring: Versatile digital rough vacuum gauge that you can monitor right from your phone or tablet (Apple ios and android) | Transmits vacuum information to cell phones or tablets via Bluetooth | Set low and high alarm from your phone
  • Data Capture: Communicates with the DigiVac Cloud so you can view your vacuum process and record your data | Email vacuum data for documentation or transmit vacuum data directly to the DigiVac Cloud

Portable and Precise 

  • Bluetooth Bullseye Piezo | rough vacuum gauge with hermetically sealed isolated stainless steel sensor that is ideal for applications where more precise measurement of rough vacuum is necessary
  • Includes a powerful magnet and kickstand to enable hands-free operation
  • Long battery life and versatility with 12 different measuring units (micron, Torr, Inches of Hg, kPa, Inches of H20, millitorr, mbar, Pa, PSIA, mm of Hg, bar, and mm of H2O)
  • Calibrated under actual vacuum against a NIST standard (NIST certification with documentation is an available option)

Graphing and Analysis

  • Patented vacuum graphing displays vacuum and time data
  • Visual graphing right on the display that identifies current system status
  • Vacuum Analytics to quickly identify vacuum pressure trends (Pump-down graph, auto-scaling line graph, and bar graph)
  • Digital display for quick determination of vacuum level


  • Rotary Evaporation
  • Schlenk line monitoring
  • Botanical oil processing
  • Falling Film
  • Altitude Simulation
  • Vacuum Process Monitoring

Companion App

  • If you have an Android device with a Version 10+, please visit this app page to download the free app.
  • If you have an Android device with a Version under 10, or an Apple device, please visit this app page to download the free app.

The Bullseye Precision Gauge Piezo uses a 775i Piezo sensor, has 12 measurement units, including inches of mercury, and is capable of transmitting vacuum data directly to the DigiVac Cloud.


User Manual Data Sheet Quick Start Guide App Manual

For more documentation, please visit DigiVac’s folder.

Technical Specifications

Units Torr, mbar, bar, kPa, inches of Hg, mm Hg, millitorr, microns, inches of water, PSI, Pa
1 to 775 Torr
Range with Accuracy 1 to 775 Torr (accuracy +/- 2 Torr)
Sensor Type Piezoresistive
Dimensions 6.2”H x 3.7”W x 1.3”D
Certifications CE, CSA, UL, and RoHS

Product Inquiry

Bluetooth Bullseye Rough Vacuum Gauge
Bluetooth Bullseye Piezo 775i | Rough Vacuum Gauge | UL, CSA, CE | SS Isolated Sensor