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Vacuum Gauge Calibration Services

Need to get your Vacuum Gauge or Controller Calibrated but you do not require NIST certification? Then choose this version.

Note: No documentation is provided. If you need NIST certification then choose NIST calibration.

Annual Calibration of your vacuum gauge or vacuum controller is recommended for optimal accuracy. A decontamination form is required. You can request calibration here

All DigiVac vacuum gauges and vacuum controllers come pre-tested and calibrated against a NIST standard under actual vacuum on our NIST certified vacuum manifold. Each factory-shipped gauge accuracy specifications are guaranteed to meet or exceed NIST standards.

Vacuum Gauge Calibration Services Note: We do not keep records of before and after data of each calibrated gauge on file. If you require this documentation, then add NIST Certificate option to your order. New products shipped from the factory come with standard calibration this allows the vacuum sensor to be “mated” to the vacuum instrument which supports our published accuracy ranges you find here.

Calibration of vacuum gauges and vacuum controllers are recommended on an annual basis.

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DigiVac Vacuum Gauge Calibration Services
Vacuum Instrument Calibration without Documentation Services