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Category: Calibration, Accuracy

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A PID Control Guide: How to Tune Your PID Controller

How to Tune the PID Controller? Tuning for PID control can be a bit complicated, since it’s all about balance and striking the perfect harmony among three different variables.  Finding this balance, however, is how your automated processes will continue running smoothly.  If a system is poorly tuned, several mishaps can happen, such as: Therefore, productivity can be impacted as it can make operators wait, reduce yield, or increase premature failures. For such instances, we have a white paper on our website that goes in depth about PID control in vacuum systems.  Said paper also has a brief explanation on

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How to clean your thermocouple

Why Should You Clean Your Vacuum Sensors?

Why Should You Clean Your Vacuum Sensors? A Case Study in Contaminated Vacuum Sensors & Their Effect on Readings Tim pitched a blog idea to me based around my experience with this repair. A customer sent a StrataVac Touch back that wasn’t reading correctly. The sensors were so contaminated for so long that it changed how they read vacuum and even after repeated cleanings and attempted adjustments, the gauge would not read in spec. I took some data at relevant points after cleaning but before calibrating, after attempted calibration, and then after replacing the sensors. Seems like a good potential

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Vacuum Drying Temperature-Sensitive Materials Effectively

Some materials are super sensitive to temperature making it more  difficult  to vacuum dry . It is crucial  to make sure that the temperature remains constant as it can  end in a loss of materials if an error were to happen. Not being able to completely control your vacuum can result in  making you restart the process back to square one. 

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Benefits of Automating Your Vacuum Oven Control

The precise vacuum control of the SNAP is driven by the integrated patent-pending Dinamo valve with delivers both proportional vacuum control as well as proportional bleed control and supports high flow with KF25 orifices so its ideal for your larger cubic foot ovens. The internal sensor is isolated from your vacuum drying process so that the sensor won’t get contaminated and vapors will not disrupt your readings. The SNAP is designed for highly precise control and is ideal for automating vacuum oven control in the 1 torr to 775 torr range. With the SNAP you are able to Automate your vacuum control through the click of a button.

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Are Your Vacuum Gauges NIST calibrated? See Why It Matters

Are Your Vacuum Gauges NIST calibrated? See Why It Matters The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is a measurement standards laboratory whose mission is to maintain the integrity and consistency of measurement standards in the US. NIST standards ensure consistency of measurement and are applied to digital vacuum instrumentation. Technical requirements are published in Handbook 44 that provides the “Specifications, tolerances, and other technical requirements for weighing and measuring devices”. Um, HELLO vacuum gauge manufacturers….take a listen here…. As a vacuum consumer, why is this important to you? You want to make sure that your vacuum gauge is consistent

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